  • FAQ

    If you are having issues with the website please try: m.revaluemycard.com/automaticlaundry

    When entering a new password - use a Capital Letter - then some small letters - a couple of numbers and then use the @ sign at the end of your password.  If you are a returning customer and having issues please contact our office to receive a temporary password.

    Due to the New Security Update:  Residents will have to change their passwords every 90 Days

    New Laundry Card:  A new laundry card cost $5.00 with a zero balance on it.

    I just added value online but my card is not showing my balance at the Washer or Dryer:

    This is a two-step process when charging your credit card online you will receive a six digit code in red which you take to the Add Value Terminal at your location and key punch in the amount that you charged online and the # key, and then code number and the # key, and now the money is on your laundry card.

    How do I find out the balance on my Laundry Card:  Place your laundry card into the Washer or Dryer (just don't press the start button) and your balance will show up on display.  You can also place it into the Add Value Terminal to see your balance.

    What do I do if I have a Error on my Laundry Card:  Call our office with balances under $20.00, any balance over $20.00 you must mail in your laundry card to our office and a new card will be mailed out to you - balances are non-refundable and must go back onto a laundry card.

    What do I do If I lost my Laundry card:  The resident will have to purchase a new laundry card and add value onto that new card.  The Add Value Terminal at your location should let you purchase a new card out of that box if it has dispensing capabilites.  You can also check with your onsite Office or Property Manager to see if they have any extra cards. 

    How to Purchase a Laundry Card and Add Value to it: Go to www.automaticlaundry.com on the all blue card at bottom of page.  Then click on Register Now, fill out the registration page and click on register.  You will receive an email froRevalue My Card, open the link and this will activate your account.  Log back into your registration. Click on Purchase a Revalue Card, follow the steps and click on finish.  This will charge your Credit Card $5.00 for the purchase of the new Laundry Card.  There will be no value on this card.  Take the six digit code in red down to the box in your laundry room or building.  Press #3 for Buy Card and then keypunch in the six digit number.  You will receive your new laundry card.  Go back into your registration and click in the gold box on "My Profile", fill in your Laundry Card # (numbers only). Now click in the green box on "Purchase a Revalue Code" then follow the steps to charge your credit card to add value onto the card.  Take the six digit code in Red to the add value box and follow the instructions to add with Code.

    What do I do when my Resident Advantage Laundry Card says Bad Card - Please try rubbing your thumb across the gold chip and then insert it back into the machine.  If it still says Bad Card then please call 617-969-4340 and ask for Customer Service or mail your card into our office.

    What do I do when my Resident Advantage Laundry Card says Not Verified - Please make sure the Laundry Card number matches the online profile, if it doesn't then please call our office 617-969-4340.  Try rubbing your thumb across the gold chip on the Laundry Card, unplug the Add Value Terminal Box at your locaton, count to 20 and then plug it back in.  Wait until you see the words "Pin Testing" then try the amount and revalue code again. 

    What do I do when the Washer does not spin out my clothes:  Take the clothes out of that Washer and place them into another Washer, call our Customer Service Department and report the issue and we will refund you for that Wash and also come out and fix the machine.  Never put Soaking Wet clothes into the Dryer, the clothes just wont Dry properely and we do not refund on that.  Always place clothes into another Washer.

    What do I do if I am Moving out of the Location:  The residents are responsible to use up all the value on their Laundry Card BEFORE moving out.  You can see if another resident would like to purchase it from you.

    What do I do if I have moved out of one location and moved into a new location and the new location uses your laundry system:  Please mail in your old card into our office and we will mail you out a new card site coded to that new location.   Laundry Cards are site Code specific and your old card would not work in that new location.

    What do I do if an Add Value Terminal will not work:  You can unplug the box and count to 20 and then plug it back in.  Give the machine about a minute or two to fully reconnect and try your transaction again.  If you still continue to have issues then please call our office at 617-969-4340.

    We use a third party processor so please make sure your computer or phone accepts first and third party cookies. It is also important that you use a gmail/aol/yahoo or hotmail email address on your registration.  Do not use a school or work email address.

    We do not refund lost or stolen cards or balances on cards - if you receive a code you must use that code within 3 months of purchase,  we do not refund code purchases after it expires.